Sacred Nature

Sacred Nature is a visual and written journey about plants, rooted in the belief that healing ourselves and our planet happens through reclaiming an intuitive connection to ourselves, to the natural world, and to our own "inner wild".  

Plants are the true keepers of knowledge and they are helping us remember who we are.

Shortlist for Global Peace Photo Award 2020

First Place Monovisions Photography Awards 2020

This series has been published in Lenswork, Shots magazine, The Art of Healing.

Listen to a wonderful podcast about Sacred Nature by WooKnew

Beyond Words Publishing and I are excited to share that an oracle deck of this series is available for purchase.

For more information and to order decks go to: Sacred Nature Oracle Deck

There are over 70 images!

Please send me an email if you’d like to see them all, as well as have a list of print prices.